The fungus on the feet is a disease of an infectious nature, which can lead to disease caused by fungi. It's the fungus on the feet, it is now one of the most common fungal infections (ringworm). This is a disease that is spread from person-to-person. When a small group of at risk are family members and people close to the patient, so that it becomes a source of infection.

The causal agent of the fungus on your feet
The fungus multiplies it by becoming actively involved in an environment of a neutral or weakly alkaline conditions. Therefore, there is a strong perspiration – that is, the first and the most important risk factor for the occurrence of the fungus on the legs, in the region of the skin, and the curtains closed. The fungus survives for sufficiently low temperatures, even after the mold is frozen, it can also be the causative agent of the disease. In turn, the high-temperature species have a negative impact on: at a temperature of 75 degrees to the fungus, it dies after about 15 minutes. In the process of melting of a fungus and die after about 3-5 minutes. Therefore, the disinfection, the risk of infection from fungal diseases, it is possible to apply to the exposure to high temperatures. As well, the clothing and bedding of the sick, who have been in contact with the skin is affected, it is advisable to boil it and stroking it. Also, for the disinfection of the shoes, there is a percentage of the formalin solution, where the yeast dies after about twenty minutes.
The causes of the fungus on your feet
The fungus reproduces itself in humid environments. Therefore, it is a disease, fungal diseases, they are trained much faster, and if your shoes too often remains poorly dry at all times. Most often, the infection is a fungus that is happening in the saunas, swimming pool, in the shower, where it's constantly humid, for paul it is a great environment for the reproduction of the species.There have been cases of infection with a fungus on the feet, using the staff for a manicure and pedicure. It should be noted that the fungi, which are pathogenic yeasts, are able to withstand drying out. In the process of drying for a specific time period of time, slowed the growth of the fungus. But the scales of the skin or the hair, and a loss of a person is infected, the fungus can remain capable of my life in the last couple of years. And if this particle is located in the best development of the fungus, the pathogen can re-gain the ability to multiply and grow.
The infection is a fungal infection in the feet that often occurs by contact, it is passed on from one person to another. Athlete's foot stopping the fungus on the feet), and is manifest in the majority of cases, in adults, in children, the disease is very rare. This feature is related to a variety of factors – changes in the PH of the skin, with age, the structure of the stratum corneum of the skin, the immunosuppressed, causing the disease often occurs with age. Also, fungus on the feet is shown in the background of the changes in metabolic processes, endocrine diseases, diseases of the thyroid, the adrenal, the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, the infection is a fungus and it happens to those who suffer from the violation of the circulation of the blood in the legs, and also has a deformed foot. Stress, excessive alcohol consumption, and smoking, it is very common for the antibiotics treatment, the anemia, they are also the states that have the appearance of the fungus on the feet. Very often, the fungus-foot patient will learn only when you go to a routine medical exam, or problems from nature, the aesthetic and the unpleasant feeling. However, it is in a state of disrepair for the treatment of fungus on the feet, it seems to be the most difficult to control. In addition to this, a number of fungi that infect the human body, releasing toxic substances, which may be of the rise of toxins in the body.

The symptoms of fungus on your feet
Usually, when you are infected with the fungus, and the patient is manifested in the skin and later peel off the skin and then, later, at sites on the defeat of by a fungus arise from a small bubble, inside of which is a liquid. A short time later, the bubble burst, and in place on the skin, or, if they crack it, and the focus of the inflammation. The patient feels a strong itching, pain, and lesions that do not heal a long time. Later, the fungus, the foot moves forward, grabbing hold of the toes of the foot, the back part of the foot. On these sites you will also find the bubbles. Sometimes it is due to the infection with the blisters will become dull, they begin to open, forming the erosion. When in this state, the opposite can occur, with swelling of the skin, increasing its temperature. If the weather does not take any measures for the treatment of fungus in the foot, it hits the nail. This will change the color of your nails, they are so much more dense, after which they are destroyed.
The diagnosis of the fungus on your feet
If you find any of these symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist-a dermatologist. After examining the patient, and the services that are necessary for the research, the doctor will determine the type of fungus that has hurt the skin of the feet. The diagnosis is necessarily performed, a lifting of the scales from the skin of the affected in the laboratory conditions.
For the treatment of fungus on your feet
Previously, the treatment of the fungus on the feet, which then spread to the finger nails, a level and eliminating the affected nail plate. But on the nail, which had grown in its place, and many times you have been hit by a fungal infection. Today, the operating techniques and the use of it very rarely, and only in some forms of the species.Today, the application of modern drugs for the treatment of fungus on the feet and ensures a fast and effective cure for this disease. Most of the methods to effectively struggle right away with a variety of different types of fungi. Facilities for the treatment of fungus on the feet-share the drugs of the system the impact of local and / or drugs. As a result, if your application happens in about 95% of the time. However, the drug is not prescribed for the therapy of children, women, pregnant women, and lactating women. They don't agree with some of the drugs.As the places and the means to be used in creams, gels, sprays, creams, powders. They just do it, and they will easily fall into the folds of the skin, and the spaces between the fingers. In the blood, these drugs do not penetrate them, and so they are less dangerous than the tools of the system. But, for the complete elimination of the fungus, such as tools that should be used for long period of about one month. In addition, if the patient has no place in the hands of the nail, and then the application of a single, local funds, it is not enough.Drugs for treating fungus on the feet of today's manufacturers of low-toxic, so there is a very wide selection of ways, such as: * the process of therapy is used by about 200 to antifungal agents.However, self-medication, in this case, it is not at all justified. After that the doctor takes into account the patient's immunity, if there are any irregularities in the operation of the endocrine system, how much of the sweat away from the skin, and a number of other times.
Prevention of fungus on feet

Experts say that it is a very wide spread of the fungus on the feet causes a decrease of the immunity due to the heavy use of a large number of different types of drugs, bad environment, lack the body of vitamins. Therefore, the prevention of the data, factors, and methods of prevention of the fungus on the feet of the infection, and of fungal or yeast infections in the geral.De preferably, periodically, as well as taking adaptogens and anti-oxidants. This may be the ginseng siberian, ginseng, sea buckthorn oil, Essentiale, vitamin E, other vitamin complexes.Infection by a fungus in the feet can contribute to tiny injuries in the legs, and increased sweating. So, much to the delight of the senses, should be used only for the comfortable, well-dried, clean the shoes. The shoes of preference is changed every day, wearing the same pair for at least a day. The boots of the preferred process, after the inside of a spray especially for shoes. You should not walk without shoes, rubber swimming pools, saunas, and other wet locations. When you visit friends and family, it is best not to use a foreign room, bed, and get on your own. You should not try on shoes in a store, very pleasant with bare feet, a leg, and for that reason it is best to use your own tight a-half hours. After a swim in the walk, you should always clean carefully and dry with a clean kitchen towel, making sure to clean in between the toes. In the event of any doubt about a possible infection, a fungal infection, it is best to put in place a anti-fungal easy to the local. In the case of a suspected infection with a fungus of the treatment should be started immediately.