According to the statistics, or the root for the fungus to 20% of the total population. Many of the leading to the disease is left to chance, and, then, to the poor, as the disease progresses, you may proceed to other parts of the skin, and even internal organs there are complications, the patient with the fungus, the delivery of the aesthetic and physical discomfort.
It appears that disease in any part of the body: the skin, internal organs, tissues, bone for instance, the nail board. As there were only the signs of the disease, you need to go to a dermatologist for the treatment of progressive, and the patient has been freed from the pain of various disorders.
When the fungus in the feet, the symptoms often manifest themselves precisely in-between the toes. Here we have a the itching, inflammation, dryness, and flaking. There are several different types of fungi between the toes, depending on his changes, and medications. To deal with this, should be an expert in. This article explains what they are and the fungi between the toes of the feet are the symptoms, the causes, how you can cure it yourself, you should consider the photo.
The causes of the fungus between the toes of the feet
Regardless of the location of the lesion for a fungal infection, the aetiology of the disease remains the same. You have a 60% to 70% of the people who go to a doctor, it's a fungus, it's a race, they are the dermatophytes. But you also need to install the vista should be to the doctor. You will get a fungal infection by any of the following reasons:
- When you visit public places, where it is present, it is hot and humid, and the climate, have a high risk of getting the infection. This also applies to the employees of the local data, and not just a visitor. In this case, you need to abide by the preventive measures.
- The infection of a family member, or a joint in the house. Regular floor or carpet it can be a source of disease, as the family had the highest risk, because they are generally agreed to share the tools of the hygienic cloths, towels, gloves the staff, is a wide variety of hardware.
- Wearing a stranger's clothes (tights or the shoes.
- The greater the risk of infection to people in the at-risk group, including patients with poor immune protection, beriberi, living in areas with poor environmental situation, the bad illnesses of the endocrine system, like obesity and diabetes mellitus, and / or systems, the cardiovascular, the people who take antibiotics and hormonal medication too, and with the increase of the perspiration, and to dry the feet of the women who are pregnant.
- The pathology of the skin of the foot and between the toes.
- Wounds, scratches and cuts between the toes.
- Poor blood supply to the legs.
The symptoms of the fungus between the toes of the feet
The fungus between the fingers, occurs in the reproduction of the fungi of this type, such as mold, dermatophyte, yeast-free.
The symptoms of the disease can be divided into phases.
Thus, at the beginning of the disease, most of the time the fungus grows in the secret. The fungus affects the area between the middle, ring fingers and little finger of the foot. Then, as the illness progresses, you may enter on foot.
- In the first phase, which is the so-called deleted, which is characterized by dryness of the skin, between the toes of the feet, and because of it, in Russian, formed from the crack in all of the cushion and the toe web area, it is possible to peel off the top layer of the skin. The patient may complain of pain, itching, and a burning sensation in the affected areas. This may not be so obvious to the patient, so that he does not consider it necessary to resort to a dermatologist. It is very important to diagnose the disease at this stage is to prevent complications and the progression of the disease.
- In the second step of the disgidroticheskaya. The manifestations of this stage are visible to the patient when she is sick, turn to the experts. In the second stage, the skin will appear papules and inflamed. The skin thickens, and the dryness is most noticeable in the fingers, and the feet are so swollen. The itching is unbearable, and the patient complains of a heavy feeling of pain, especially when walking. The stage has a lot of physical discomfort.
- In the third stage, the squamous cell gipertroficescoy. The disease progresses, the skin gets a very bad look, sticky. The cracks become larger and deeper, there are exesa times. On his toes and in between them, it appears the plaque off. The itching may be the same or even increases.
- The fourth and final phase is a intertriginous. At this stage, the affected areas are filled with pus, and inflammation, such as red areas that are strongly visible. The patient is difficult to move because of the pain in your legs when you walk. Her legs are swollen, wheals reveal it, and leave an open wound, which leads to a secondary infection. The disease has spread to other areas of the foot, including the nail plate.
The treatment of the fungus between the toes of the feet
The doctor will perform all procedures necessary for accurate diagnosis of the disease. It installed the genre of fungus that affects the skin.
There is a method of self-diagnosis of the mould, into which the foot is immersed in a solution of potassium permanganate and to leave for another ten minutes. A healthy skin is the canvas, the patient not even. Thus, it is possible to identify the disease early in its development, and it's time to consult with your doctor.
The doctor-patient consultation. What are the symptoms, as there is a lot of time there arose the condition, if there is a disease of the internal organs. Next, the doctor performs a visual examination of the dead from the area. Performed biopsy of the skin, in order to clarify the type of the species. Also, in diagnostics and in the elaboration of the schemes of treatment are used in the following ways:
- The research of the skin under a lamp with a black light (Wood's Lamp). This is carried out very rapidly, and it is not more than a minute, so that the light can be damaging to your health.
- Bacteriological planting is carried out in a period of about 20 days, but now, thanks to this method, it is possible to define with precision the type of fungus, and in the course of the treatment.
The doctor will also determine the degree to which the defence of the host. It explains what it is and how to treat fungus in between the toes of the feet.
As practice shows, the best results are achieved through the application of various forms of drugs. This is the so-called complex, which includes the application of various forms of interactions with medications (ointments, creams, sprays), the pass-through of the various procedures, and the use of revenues from the use of traditional medicine to increase the efficacy of the drug. To assign a complex treatment needs a doctor. For the duration of the therapy, it may be a month or so, and in a few years, depending on the type of fungus and the stage of the disease.
Typically, they are used in the following types of products:
- The tools of the fungus between the toes of the feet. They are included in the composition of the substance, which is a hormone. It is one of the most effective means, but in applying them it should only be prescribed by a physician and if the medication does not help.
- The normal topical ointments, creams, gels, drops, sprays. The most common type of the medicines to the patients.
- The vitamins and minerals.
During the treatment, you can go to a physical therapist, and also, it is recommended to adhere to a proper diet to improve your metabolism and increase your immunity.
The treatment of the fungus between the toes of the feet, unlike the media
The Home medicine of the self-it is the manifestation of a therapeutic effect, it is practically not, but if you combine it with a drug composition for therapy in the adjuvant as an add-on, with the result that it may please you a lot. To treat fungus between the toes of your feet at home, without a consultation with a specialist, it is not recommended at this time.
Please, pay attention!
Many of the drugs that are prohibited for women, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and young children, may cause an allergic reaction in patients because of the synthetic composition. In this case, the use of natural resources, don't do it. Prior to using home remedies, it is necessary to check the patient's an allergic reaction.
Typically, for the treatment of the fungus between the fingers, use of baths with various ingredients, such as:
- The salt and the baking soda. You can apply for the baths, with all these components, individually and in combination. The water dropped a foot in about 15 to 20 minutes prior to the procedure, it is necessary to wash and dry your feet. After the procedure, and also blow-dry it with a towel, put on socks.
- From the apple cider and the vinegar of wine is actually consuming the fungus. In the water, and the concentrated solution from the vinegar, with legs immersed for 10 to 15 minutes after the procedure, the feet won't dry up.
- The juice of the milkweed is also a very effective way. Its the natural urge, they get in the shower and keep it on the feet for about 20 minutes. This can be done two times a week.
They are also common in the recipes of the body. They dampen cotton swabs to treat the affected area. To skin use the following tools:
- A solution of potassium permanganate to treat the skin and leave it for about fifteen minutes. After the procedure, you should be sure to wash the tools.
- Treat the skin on the onion, and the juice and within a ten minute walk.
The treatment of the fungus between the toes of the feet, the interactions of the methods

As has already been mentioned, the best treatment is a complex one. This includes the use of interaction tools in different ways. Adults usually prescribe some stronger ointments, and tablets, children's, gels, and creams.
Medicines from fungus is made out on a form:
- Ointments, creams, gels.
- Aerosol Sprays, aerosol cans.
- Drop by drop.
- Tablets and solutions for injection.
The medications can be hormones on the composition, in which case, they may not be used in children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, as they are too active to act upon the body. Assign them a doctor, and if medications do not help. You are hormonal medications that are already on the list of indications and contra-indications and side-effects.
Prevention of fungus in between the toes of the feet
For the effective treatment and to prevent re-infection of the fungus between the fingers, it is recommended to observe preventative measures:
- To increase the immunity. For this reason, it is necessary to eat, try the physical in light of the charge, to set, to drink your vitamins. Don't allow an overdose of medication.
- Give full attention to health, to cure diseases of the internal organs.
- Do not allow any mechanical damage on the legs.
- Try not to go to a public place where it is possible to the address of the fungal cells.
- Don't give it to a stranger, and not to use foreign clothes and shoes.
- Heal all who are sick with a fungus of the family members.
- To comply with the rules of hygiene.
- In a timely manner to consult with your doctor.