One of the common problems and diseases of the skin, the integument is considered to be a fungal infection between the toes of the feet. The treatment depends in a large part related to the disease, and the degree of negligence on his part. The most frequently eliminate the signs of ringworm are assigned to the agents, antifungal agents tool, in a number of different ways. In the early stage of the disease, it is very effective folk methods that you can use at home, without any harm to your health.
The causes of the disease
Pathology of the underlying state, that is in contact with the skin, a fungal infection that causes the fungus in your toes. With a strong immunity of the organism, the catalytic ejects the infection, and the disease does not develop. But a lot of people, the immune system is weakened, which makes it a favorable environment for the development of the disease.
Getting up can be to a person who is sick is in direct contact, as well as the use of shared objects for free. Linen, home, shoes, and other things that are going to be a source of infection. Predisposing factors are taken into account:
- Skin disease of a chronic character, with the regular problems — eczema, psoriasis, contact dermatitis.
- Wearing it on an ongoing basis, both narrow and uncomfortable, the shoe of the man-made materials.
- The Regular violation of the rules of personal hygiene.
- The deficit in the body of the vitamins and minerals and the connections between them.
- Strengthened work of sweat glands, which leads to the fact that the fingers of your feet will get wet. This could lead to the development of infections, and the widespread proliferation of micro-organisms to do the job.
- Frequent rubbing off of the stop of the skin.
- A breach on the part of the metabolic processes.
- The pathology of vascular medicine of the lower extremity.
- Trophic ulcer, or scars of the wounds in the region of the fingers and toes.
- Fungal infection of the nail into the space between the fingers.
In the at-risk group are the people who are in a course, attend a sauna, a bath or a swimming pool. In such locations, a cluster of fungal infection increased, and it is enough to infect a few minutes of sitting in the shower stall, where, for this to be looked at in a person is infected with. Many times the athlete's foot develops in children who are in school or pre-school, an institution in close contact with the patient.
The symptoms of ringworm
Before you treat the fungus on your feet, between your toes, you have to know what it looks like, and what are the symptoms to appear. Most commonly, the disease manifests itself in the following way:

- In the early stage is not unlike shining a shortcoming, and it can go undetected for a lot of people. The delicate skin in between the fingers, will appear to crack due to the fact that the appearance becomes sickly. The skin is different to dry and exfoliate in small scale. The patient is troubled with a severe itching and moderate burning. This is especially felt at night, when your feet are free of shoes.The active phase follows the initial, and usually most intense signals. In the place of the bark to appear red patches on skin. Severe itching accompanies the man is constantly on, which leads to irritation of the skin, and is strong to the skin.
- Progress stage is characterized by the appearance of blisters, are small, filled with a clear liquid. When you make contact with the screen, the shoes and socks off, to blow bubbles, and in its place is crying out to the surface, and pain, and often bleed. Over time, these areas of the house are covered in French fries, brown or yellow in color.
- Start of the stage, and is characterized by a proliferation of a disease process in the tissue neighbouring the nail plate. The nail turns yellow, storied, and falling apart. When you try to remove a lump in your place is formed in infected wounds, time is not related to the treatment. The bacteria on the surface of the sore is developing rapidly, and pass into the deeper layers. The pain comes with the man is constantly on, preventing you from regular movement, the skin is hyperemic and swollen. Something new bubbles are filled not with the liquid, and pus-filled. If the therapy is lacking, the disease cannot reach the muscular layer. To get rid of it is going to be very, very difficult.
The signal is characteristic of ringworm in any stage, it will be the smell of my feet, even after a recent washing, and processing in the shoes. The shoe is also a build up of bacteria, and it does require cleaning with chemicals, the disinfection effect. The most feared complication of a disease process is the penetration of the fungal infection in the blood, and the development of the yeasts to internal organs.
The methods for the diagnosis of

A doctor is sufficiently aware to exploit the curtain of skin between the fingers, in order to determine the athlete's foot. But, in order to clarify the diagnosis is made of special scratch-off areas that are infected, with the purpose of the study to the type of infection.
Under the conditions of the laboratory are bacteriological material received in the material, and to identify the exact type of infectious agent. After that, the physician can prescribe a suitable treatment.
An important point in the diagnosis is to identify the causes and means of transmission of the infection. You will also have to determine the stage of the disease. If the patient is to seek professional help, be in contact with the other person or member of the family, should carry out the preventive treatment, of all households, with the aim of preventing contamination.
Medical therapy
For the treatment of fungus on the toes of the feet, it depends on the stage of the disease. In the early stage can be cured just to the side of the media, in the form of ointment or solution. The implementation of the cases subject only to a combination of a pre-formed, the drugs with the side to achieve the maximum result in the short-term.
Determining for the best option, in each case, only to the doctor. You are not alone in dealing with the athlete's foot in the home of the drug, t. to. they often have contra-indications and side-effects, and often cause an allergic reaction.
If the therapy is ineffective, over the course of 4 weeks, the patient's condition worsens, the doctor will once again take to the scrape to the victim's location. This is necessary in order to determine the sensitivity of the bacteria to the drug.
Recipes, alternative medicine
At home, you can use some of the home remedies that help to stop the progression of the disease. In the early stage of ringworm can heal in these ways:

- Regular soda and salt. Use them as trays, then dissolved in 3 liters of water, about a tablespoon of each of the tools. Term home therapeutic session for at least 20 minutes. The water should be warm, but not burning. Repeat this procedure on a daily basis, and the course has a duration of 2 weeks. The optimal time for the treatment, prior to going to sleep.
- Herbs, and broth to the base of the chamomile and dry Chistonteating, and the leaves of the banana, this is the best animal in the middle anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory effect. In preparation you will need: one part with 50 g / l of each ingredient for the care of a cut, and cook in 3 liters of water in less than 5 minutes. Прonфилütрonваннonе the tool is ready for use after 20 minutes of infusion. The stock has to be brought down to the foot, and hold it until it cools down. To carry out the therapy, before going to sleep every day for 2 or 3 weeks.
- The dinner and the cider is to be used for a daily cleaning, the problem areas between the fingers, or as a lotion. The second option is appropriate in the initial phase, when the phase of injury is very small. Gadgets that are made out of a cotton-tipped swab pre-moistened in vinegar (9% and is applied to a point in the final 20 minutes. On a daily basis are allowed up to 3 of the procedure. The therapeutic effect is visible after 10 days of regular use.
- The alcohol solution of iodine 5% and allows you to get rid of the fungus for 2 weeks. The treatment must be carried out in the morning and in the evening. Prior to the procedure, the feet is recommended resparitü in hot water and dry thoroughly with a soft towel. During order processing, should pay attention to not only the skin, but also to the classes of the nail so that the infection does not spread. This method can only be used in the start-up phase. By setting the iodine, open wounds greatly increases the risk of sunburn, and aggravation of the patient's condition.
- Марганцonвparahave in the initial phase, it is allowed to be used for the treatment of the affected areas and steam your feet. To prepare the solution, it is the need of hot water, add a few crystals to get the desaturated blush of color. The resulting solution can pass through the toe for 20 minutes a day, or soak a cotton ball several times a day to lubricate the area of inflammation. As a general rule, just 2 weeks of regular use, in one form or another, to completely get rid of the fungus.
- A desk made of birch tar can be purchased at a pharmacy. Infligi it should be, in its purest form, to the areas of concern and the nail plate. The layer should be thin, and the exposure time is not more than 40 minutes, t. to. it is quite an aggressive tool, and a lot of times it causes an allergic reaction. If you are not able to get it out there only to wash the feet every night with soap and tar. For the duration of the treatment with tar, which must not exceed 10 days. The soap as a prevention, you are allowed to use on an on-going basis.

The application of any of the people in the tool, it requires a prior consultation with a specialist, in order to avoid any complications.
The prevention of infection
To prevent the disease is to help these simple steps to prevent them. You must strictly comply with the rules of hygiene, and to give preference to the socks and shoes made of natural materials, in a timely manner to deal with any disease of the skin covering the legs, or small injuries. After a visit to the swimming pool or in the sauna, it is advisable to treat your feet with anti-septic solutions, and the use of foreign products, and personal hygiene.
The first signs of ringworm, it is recommended that you begin treatment immediately. It's going to get rid of the problem in the short term, and to avoid any complications.