Often, the fungus starts with the toes. why? For fungal growth, high humidity, heat and lack of ventilation are required. All this is fully in line with the conditions created when wearing low -quality or tight -fitting shoes.
The occurrence of interdigital fungi on the feet is due to the fact that excellent conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms are often created in this place of the human body. That is why it is very important to carefully monitor the cleanliness and cleanliness of this area.
If the necessary set of preventive measures is implemented, the risk of infection can be minimized. When it is not possible to prevent infection, it is necessary to approach the treatment process systematically and comprehensively so that the fungus on the toes disappears completely. If fungus appears between the toes, treatment should be started immediately.
What does the fungus look like between the toes?
The skin between the toes is soft and thin. In addition, the fingers are pressed close to each other. With few cracks, microtrauma or scratches, the interdigital space is an ideal environment for the development of mycosis.

The main symptoms are as follows:
- In the interdigital space are found: peeling, deep cracks, damage, around it the roller is formed of non-peeling cells, redness of the skin.
- Sometimes fungal infections are complicated by bacterial infections.
- The period of active exfoliation is replaced by weeping skin cracks and diaper rash around the cracks.
- Itching or burning.
- The exfoliation does not disappear, but continues to spread to other fingers.
- Further levels of fungus between the fingers can affect the nails and cause the development of onychomycosis.
Skin fungus cannot be cured with conventional creams and topical treatments that help with other injuries. If the same symptoms appear between the fingers and do not disappear for a long time, you should see a doctor and undergo testing for the type of fungal pathogen.
Complexity of treatment
The treatment of fungal infections is complicated by the fact that a long period of time is required for final recovery. Sometimes it seems that the fungus is defeated, but it comes back and the fight begins again. The treatment requires a lot of time, effort and expensive medications. Which, moreover, has a negative effect on the liver and kidneys. Therefore, in the treatment of fungus between the toes, it is worth using not only drugs, but also effective treatment with home and folk remedies.
Treatment of fungus in pregnant women
Any treatment during pregnancy is prescribed with caution, as medications can harm the unborn baby. In addition, antimycotic drugs have a variety of side effects. Even external agents are actively absorbed into the skin and can cause unnecessary reactions, so all appointments are made under the supervision of a doctor.

It is better to treat fungus between the toes during pregnancy with the help of folk recipes and home remedies, they will not cause unwanted reactions and have no side effects. In contrast to medical treatment.
- Foot bath with soda salt: 15 grams of soda and 30 grams of sea salt or iodized dissolved in one liter of warm water. The bath is taken for half an hour, and then the feet are rinsed with clean water and the top layer is removed with a sponge or brush. An alcoholic solution of iodine is applied on a dry surface, with plenty of moisturizing smear. Such burning with iodine after bathing is performed several times.
- Compress for the night using birch tar: it is applied in a thick layer on a cotton-gauze swab and placed between the fingers and under the toes. It is necessary to fix the compress with foil or compressed paper. When using tar, improvements can happen quickly.
- Fresh onion juice - used as an external agent, applied between the fingers at night. This folk remedy is effective in treating skin fungus between the fingers.
- During pregnancy, salicylic and zinc ointments, which have antifungal effects, are not contraindicated for use. Zinc ointment will also help relieve sweaty feet. These funds are best used after a therapeutic bath.
- Bath with apple cider vinegar or wine: fingers soaked in a little vinegar for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, the feet are rinsed with clean water and treated with iodine.
All procedures will be more effective if you first steam your feet in hot water, and then remove the top layer of skin with a brush or sponge.
Treatment of young children
The treatment of fungus between the toes in children is complicated according to the age of the child. Most antifungal medications are contraindicated in young children under 2 years of age. Treatment with artificial and folk remedies also causes certain problems: adults are willing to bear the discomfort of getting rid of fungus between the fingers, and the child is unlikely to agree with vinegar or vodka compresses. Therefore, the most economical composition based on permanent plant components.
- Decoction of wormwood is used as a bath for 20-30 minutes. 150 grams of hay is poured with one liter of boiling water and heated in a water bath for 30 minutes. After cooling, the decoction is ready for use.
- Chicken eggs, 15 grams of 9% vinegar and 15 grams of vegetables or butter. The ingredients are mixed, and the day is put in the refrigerator. With the composition, you can make compresses at night by moistening a cotton swab and placing it between your fingers. They are very gentle and effective allow you to exfoliate the skin between the fingers and cure foot fungus.
- Fresh celandine leaves in an amount of 1. 5 tablespoons finely chopped and poured with one liter of hot water. Insist under the lid until cool, use for bathing for 15-20 minutes.
- After any medication, you should rinse your feet with clean water, and generously lubricate the surface between the fingers with iodine.
Another recipe
Recipes for the treatment of fungus between the toes based on iodine, ammonia, vinegar essence, boric acid have proven themselves well.
- Mix ammonia, table vinegar and iodine in equal proportions and let it brew. The solution must be transparent. Soak the cotton well with this product and hold on the affected surface for a few minutes. This tool effectively kills fungus, but it should not be used if there are weeping cracks, open wounds or bacterial infections.
- Boric acid powder can be used to treat fungus as a compress by placing it between your toes overnight.
General rules for the treatment of fungi
When treating fungus in any way, remember:
- There may be individual allergic reactions to any agent, composition or product. If you feel worse, it is better to stop the medication.
- If a bacterial infection has joined the fungal infection, and in addition to exfoliation, pustules, crusts, vesicles are observed, then the skin is first treated with a drying bactericidal agent. For example, a solution of potassium permanganate, fucartsin, bright green. After the bacterial infection is eliminated, the fungus is treated.
- Products with active ingredients such as vinegar, ammonia, boric acid etc. should not be used if there are open wounds or cracks. They can cause severe tissue burns.

When treating any type of fungus, you should be patient and take individual household products: manicure sets, brushes, files, basins, and so on. In addition, this tool must be used properly. Thus, you will protect your loved ones from fungus.