Many people are not aware of the change in the fingernails and in the leg, and that they underestimate the possible dangers. Onychomycosis (scientific name, of joseph, of the nail is a cosmetic it is not a defect but a medical problem. The constant exposure to the toxins which it produces, a joseph, and causes chronic poisoning of the body. As a result, fatigue, weakness, poor functioning of the immune system. Not to mention the fact that you are affected by one of joseph's nails are not aesthetically pleasing, and cause the distress of other people.

What are the complications of onychomycosis?
The itching, burning sensation and discomfort during a loss of the skin that is caused by the contact of the skin with mycotoxins. Those alien to the body substances that are toxic, transport, and other properties that cause inflammation and disrupt the metabolism of the cells of the skin.
When, on the defeat of the nails in the boards of these symptoms that are expressed less. The unpleasant sensation of itching, which occur only in the advanced cases, when the joseph, "it is time to stop the tissue from under the nail plate. Joseph lives in the nail, and if it increases, especially, if the poison into the surrounding tissue. The body is poisoned, only the alert are received in a smaller quantity than when it has recently.
Released onychomycosis is accompanied by cracking and injury to the skin around the nail – this is the gateway to other infections. Maybe it's the appearance of the sores and the oozing, it is possible for the infection as pseudomonas wand and golden. The co-existence of long periods with joseph, and ends up in the onycholysis – the complete destruction of the nail. The new plates do not grow back, leaving the surface of the fingers unprotected. The tissue under the nails, they are not adapted to the friction, pressure, and contact with the natural environment. The man with no nails on the feet from experiencing pain. The use of a shoe, becomes a torture. They appear insecure, and complicated.
Onychomycosis is difficult to cure a disease, fungal diseases of the skin. Nail plate, the more dense, and the bottom is on the inside of the dermis. Joseph is able to distribute there own dispute, to resolve which is hard to do, even with the aid of powerful drugs
How to detect any problems with your nails?
Mycobacterium is only in the top layer of the board. Here you can see the spots and discoloration, easy to the heterogeneity of the structure, and the lack of brightness.
The process of the development of the joseph of the capuchin
In the second stage, the infection penetrates through the inside of the nail. This is evident in the change of its color, shape, and structure. Nail plate, exfoliated, thickens, loses elasticity and becomes brittle. When trimming the nail breaks and falls apart.
The third was launched in a period characterised by a complete change in the structure and appearance of the nail. It is off-white, yellow, or green, you lose the transparency. The board repeatedly, thickening, trimming it makes it very difficult. The shape of the nail bed changes, it will appear in the tabs and it fits. In the last stage, there are other symptoms of the infection, a skin rash, pain, a burning sensation, and crack, and the ingrown toenail is not the cuticle. Often times, joseph's "spreads" the skin, and the nails of the hand. If this is the case, dryness, itching and hyperkeratosis appear on the soles and between the toes of the feet. In the absence of appropriate treatment, defective operating of the nail, it withers up and falls off.

Onychomycosis is the most easy-to-dots, explaining, and talking about it in the early stages of development. In order to detect changes to the nail plate, so a pedicure is best to use clear lacquer. Weekly, you should carry out a 'review' of the nails, foot care, seen, crop, apply a fresh coat of nail Polish.
To start with the treatment of the nail bed from joseph, as soon as possible. It is recommended that, from the appearance of the spots. The dissemination of the spores of joseph, in the whole of the nail plate can affect the speed of its growth. You are affected your nails grow slowly increased, which also makes it more difficult for the treatment process. The nail can be considered to be cured after 1 to 2 months after the replacement of the plates for healthy. How long is the process of growing up – in essence, the cost of the treatment.
For a selection of medicines, you should contact your health care provider. For the treatment of fungal infections of the deal with of a dermatologist. The expert will assess the extent of the negligence of onychomycosis, and to schedule scans for specific. In the laboratory, the scraping of the victim's nail will prove to be a sort of joseph, and their sensitivity to the fungicide and tools. The specific treatment of medications guarantees the complete destruction of the infection and prevention of recurrences. If you choose the medicine is taken properly, it's not going to give it to the end. Under the guidance of a doctor, the treatment will be faster and more efficient
The process of medical treatment, the need for control. In the process, the use of drugs joseph is able to adapt to it, to acquire resistance (resistance). The weak and the drug is only "asleep", the time of infection. The Visual recovery is does not rule out the possibility that the constitution of the infection left on the board. Once a person stops the treatment, the joseph, it's turned back on.
In the therapy of onychomycosis includes application of tools for local action. This is the solutions, creams, gels, pastes, and varnishes. They are only acting on the surface of the skin and the nail plate, in order to kill joseph. In case it will be necessary for the application of the fungicide into the tools of the system, the action of capsules or tablets. Sometimes, in therapy, they include the vitamins and a stimulant you can enhance immunity.
Medicine or folk medicine: which one to choose?
The practice of folk medicine, to recommend dozens of different recipes for it against onychomycosis. Often, they are used for food and herb but also for the pharmaceutical tools, from an anti-septic. Any of these "remedies" don't have a fungicide of the steps. They are not able to kill joseph. Within the capacity of the people for herbal formulations – to stop the playback. This is going to let you grow a healthy nail plate. However, as it will remain in the spores of joseph, which will take effect after the end of treatment.

The implementation of the people's income for onychomycosis is appropriate, exclusively in the first stage of its development. During the execution of the processing is too long and does not give you sustainable results.
For the treatment of fingernail and joseph should go on a special substance. However, in the modern pharmaceutical industry offers a general – fungistatic and substance of the fungicide with a wide spectrum of action. Some of them have the potential to kill more than 10 strains of fungi, while at the same time. The purpose of the prevention of chronic onychomycosis, there is a therapy that's best for you to replace the medication for 2 or 3 times. In the case of funding from the local action alone is not sufficient. The guarantee of a cure, it will give only an integrated approach – to take the tablets, and the use of the drug in the open air.
Failure to follow the plan of treatment, and the use of drugs or folk medicines periodically, it is not to bring about therapy by the end of the joseph of the capuchin where he was. In addition to this, the infection is going to become more and more strong, and it's going to be worse than it is to give in to the influence of the fungicide materials.
How to prepare for the nail?
For the treatment of onychomycosis in the toe of the foot is quite a challenge. Here is the most dense and thick nail plate. The large, smooth square of joseph, multiplies and spreads more quickly. At the nail, and sometimes, it reaches to 5 mm in thickness, which prevents the penetration of medicinal substances.
The preparation for the treatment of
Prior to the implementation of the drug and the ways of folk medicine, the patient, the board must be a special way to prepare it:
- wash your feet, and toenails, decreased, or hand soap-anti-bacterial;
- you put your foot in a pan of hot water (temperature is bearable) and lye with a salt water solution (1 liter of water, add 1 tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda, and 2 of salt) for 10 to 15 minutes.
- get your feet wet have a personal problem with a towel;
- the maximum of the cut-free edge;
- to see the affected nail plate up to the onset of the sensitivity,
- dry feet in the air, and begin the process of healing.

Such a manipulation, you will have to repeat a weekly basis, to remove the affected part of the nail.
Before you start your treatment, you should prepare several pairs of fresh socks, and a towel for the feet. When you use her need to turn the camera on, as soon as possible, not necessarily iron, iron, and ironing board. Comes in a handy jar for you with formalin, and a package of cotton. Prior to the start of the therapy, you should rinse 2 from the group of cotton in the solution and place them in the shoes. Shoes, need to wrap it in a package and put it on a night out on the balcony. In the morning the cotton wool, remove from shoes and air for 2-3 hours. Such treatments go by on a weekly basis. After a complete healing of joseph's joint, and months of the shoes must be replaced with a new one.
We picked up the medicine
When you go into a pharmacy for anti-fungal, you need to ask for medication that specifically to the nail bed from joseph. The standard topical ointments and creams will not be able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the nail. For the treatment of onychomycosis the proper drug, in the form of the special solutions and varnishes.
The mortar is applied on the nail twice a day – in the morning and in the evening after hygienic treatment of the feet. The tool that they are at the lunula (the light on the base), and also under the free edge of the plate. In the first month of the treatment, the better, along the way, to deal with the skin around the toe, and also in the neighboring nails. The washing or cleaning solutions is not necessary.
Therapy luck, cause it 1-2 times a week. After curing, the tool is in the form of the dense layer on the surface of the nail that acts against the fungus.
The treatment is by means of the techniques has a long story." Some of these tools, you should be ready to apply at any given time, put a cellophane, wash. Do all of these steps have to be every day, 2 to 3 times a day. In the following, we present the simpler and more accessible to the folk methods of treatment of the nail bed from joseph.
- Oil of a tree of tea. It has anti-bacterial and antifungal activity. It can only be applied when you good portability. The ether used in its pure form. The 3-times-a-day-cause-prepared the nail. Drain on a basis of, and subject to the board. The treatment is continued until the complete regeneration of the nail.
- The iodine value. Pharmacy to the alcohol solution of iodine is applied to the nail twice a day, to fully processing the surface of a q-tip. Disadvantage – staining of the plaques, and the skin around them.
- For the vinegar. Amount of apple cider or vinegar to soak a ball of wool. Its put on by hand, it is a polyethylene, they do wraps, or shipping. Leave for 3 to 4 hours, and after the film, a bandage, and wash away the remnants of vinegar. During the treatment, it should be noted that not do not experience burns to the skin. When a good portability, a bandage is applied to the whole of the night.
Other famous tools are shredded, the garlic, the onion-honey mixture, mash the honey and with alcohol, and a mixture of aloe vera juice, and mustard. All of these medicines is that you can use in milder forms of the mold. Dermatologists recommend that you apply folk remedies, exclusively in addition to medical treatment.
How long to wait for the results?

The duration of treatment is purely individual. The time limits vary depending on the loss of a brother joseph, in your area, and the presence of complications, such as tinea corporis or development of immunodeficiency. A mild form of joseph, on the big toe of the foot, you can get rid of 3 to 4 months. The most profound defeat, and you have the points, explaining, and talking for about six months. In the case of the therapy lasts for up to one year. Even after a complete cure onychomycosis remains a risk of recurrence of the infection. To get rid of it, we need to implement a new preventive tools, which is regularly, and with quality to take care of your feet.
When excessive sweating, should you use talcum powder, deodorants and special. The footwear has to deal with the antifungals in the sludge, from time to time change the insoles, and quality of dry open-air. The same principles should be directed to the prevention of onychomycosis. The key is to use an individual's shoes, socks, and towels are provided in all public areas (steam room, sauna, Turkish bath, indoor swimming pool, massage service).
For a cure to the execution of fungal disease in the popular media, it is important for you to know what you're afraid of joseph, on the nail. It depends on the success of the intensive care unit, the clinical outcome of the. The main thing is to stop a pathological process of the reproduction of infection, to halt the attack. To effectively defeat of joseph, on the nail the same name of means it is necessary to resort to a dermatologist and spend a diagnosis, and decreases the neonatal intensive care unit