By joseph of the nail (onychomycosis) can be infected in a swimming pool and a sauna, the sports hall and on the beach. The disease is accompanied by severe itching, and loss of the skin and the nail. Gradually, the disease it causes on the nail plate, it is disposed of. To avoid this, timely aid in the treatment for which you are want to an efficient, modern drug. It is advisable to pick a medium where, as well as the process of the therapy of onychomycosis that takes a long time to come.

Onychomycosis and its symptoms
Joseph's foot is a disease that is not life threatening for a person, but it is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and can destroy the nail plate. As a result of the loss, the nails become brittle, loose, and very vulnerable to any kind of infection. The disease occurs after infection of a different type of fungus. Onychomycosis if you develop too much time, like joseph, you need to take some time to get used to it on your nails. Usually, the disease first affects the finger nails, large fingers, and it slowly destroys them. And then the sickness spreads to the others and to the whole of the foot.
The symptoms of this disease are:
- the thickening of the nail due to the enhanced cornification tissue;
- a gradual change in the color of pink for the nails to yellow and then to brown or black;
- the destruction of the nail plate, due to the spread of joseph, in the whole of its thickness;
- the itching of the skin, the integument surrounding the damaged fingernail;
- the bad odor.
An effective and low-cost tablets for the nail to joseph. Medications from from high-quality, high-efficiency. All of the pharmaceutical drugs intended for the treatment of joseph by a stop, may be divided into two main groups, depending on the method of application
- the outside tools that are related to topical ointments, lotions, aerosol sprays and coatings, allow for the local therapy of the damaged nail;
- the medicines for internal use to identify the medications in pills and capsules, they are anti-fungal effects on the body in general.
As well as the drugs act on a particular type of infectious agent, it is important that before you start the treatment of this diagnosis. This will help you to choose the most effective remedy. The question of what is the medication you choose to struggle with onychomycosis, and that is the type of the drug, the company would prefer to have. The the fungal infection is called by many different pathogens. For this reason, the drugs, showing the high efficiency of a joseph, and they may be powerless against the other. Preference should be given to the medication that is recommended by the dermatologist, after extensive research, study and analysis. In addition, as an aid in the treatment of it, you can also use the medicine of the people.
The group of azole
These remedies against onychomycosis the main force of the substances that are anilide benzoic acid. They work in one of two ways:
- they destroy the structure of the cell of joseph, and thanks to the fungicide-exposed;
- prevent the spread of the pathogen, being a fungistatic effect.
Drugs belonging to this group is, in fact, effectively deal with yeast, baking powder, and mouldy fungi. They will release it in the form of capsules are built-in to the front desk and in the form of ointments and creams to use. Outside of the funds that you will need to rub the infected by the of a joseph, the areas of the nail and to the skin after pre-steaming to stop. The capsules need to be consumed for a doctor. Depending on the severity of the condition, the duration of the course can be from 2 weeks to several months.
The group, allylamino
With the right tools to the treatment site, in this category of antifungals, it is recommended to apply if the condition could be to capture less than one-half of the surface of the nail, and does not affect operation. In other cases, the system of therapy of diseases with the help of the medicines in their countries. The tools in this group, together with other symptoms of onychomycosis, in order to ease the itching, eliminate the skin and a burning sensation. It is recommended to apply against mouldy fungi, candida, and they are the dermatophytes. Prior to the outside for use, there must necessarily be, to make the soap in the tray, the steam, the skin, and cut out the areas damaged and the nail plate. The course of treatment for long periods from the age of 6 months.
The group, morpholino
In the preparation of the active component is amorolfine. They destroy the cell membrane of the fungi, that suppresses the ability to multiply and reduce its vital functions. . Costly drug comes in the form of a nail Polish that causes the nail. This means that you can simultaneously affecting to joseph, and to protect the healthy tissues from infection. One-time use, and the application of paint is sufficient for up to 10 days of continuous exposure. Depending on the degree of severity of the disease, the treatment can last for up to a year. In the box, in addition to the treatment of the enamel, it contains 12 disposable towels in both of the nail files, and 6 applicator tips for easy and quick application. The drug has a high efficiency. The only drawback is the small size of the bottle. To solve it, and the symptoms of the infection, but it is sufficient for a single treatment. However, for the complete cure of the infection, it is necessary to apply this tool throughout the year on a regular basis. The drug of the group of moravenov is characterised by its high productivity. They are able to penetrate quickly in the inside nail plate, and eliminate the pathogen. The duration of treatment from 9 months to 1 year. They are many different species of fungi. After the application is corrupt and nail plate has a therapeutic effect begins to manifest itself over a couple of days. Healing takes a long time to come. Even after the complete disappearance of the symptoms, you should use the medication for 2 more weeks.
The whey and spray
These tools are not applicable to the major group of antifungal agents, but they have a high efficiency. Use a spray or serum that is convenient, also, they are a lot more where medical coatings. Along with the drug usually comes in a variety of blades are disposable, you should clean the surface of the nail plate prior to using the tool. The drug in a way other than a good penetrating ability and, therefore, they can quickly destroy the structure of the cell of joseph. Some of the solutions that are suitable for the treatment of the shoes. It includes undecylenic acid, which has a antimikoticeski and antisepticheskoe steps. The drug should be applied on the affected areas 2-3 times a day, so you may not grow back fully for the nail to a healthy one. The advantage of this tool is its efficiency, but it can't be used in the treatment of children under 2 years of age.
The safe medications for pregnant women
Due to the high toxicity of many antifungal agents are effective for the pregnant women, they can't be used. Almost all of these remedies are very effects of the action that is hazardous to the health of the unborn child. Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to start the treatment of onychomycosis of the to as soon as possible. So, the treatment is limited to the application of a safe place to share.
The others are cheap and effective tools for
The cost of the use of the drug, the drug is not the final determining factor for the choice of the patient. For the treatment of onychomycosis — the process is long, so you don't need a package to get rid of the symptoms of the disease. In addition to those already presented, the funds of the nail, joseph at the feet of popular well-known pharmacy has this drug . It has otslaivanie of action, and allows you to gradually remove damaged, a disease of the bones. It should be applied after the pre-steaming on the nail plate. It should be noted carefully that the cream was not to your skin. For this reason, it is advisable to seal your shipment. After the application, you should apply the dressing and keep it in for 3 days. Then, the exfoliated areas of your nail that you want to delete. Some of the azole antifungals, the funds are to be disbursed in the form of an ointment or a solution. They actually work against many of the types of the agents of infection. This is a tool that has to be a thin layer, distributing on the surface of the damaged areas of the skin, and rub in gently. The duration of therapy is 3 to 4 months. And the application of this medicine, even for pregnant women, but after the second or abortion in the second trimester. To eliminate joseph, but in the early stages of your distribution may be a solution of iodine. For this reason, it is necessary to apply the product twice a day to the damaged surface and the healthy skin around them. At A dose of 1 drop into each nail plate. In addition to this, you should do the bath tubs, dissolved in 1 l of hot water, 1 St. l., salt, and baking soda. The good result gives application of the trays, with the addition of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide:

- 1 a part of ammonia;
- To 1 part of hydrogen peroxide;
- To 3 parts of water.
You will need to connect all the components in a fry pan and storage capacity to withhold, and the walk in about 20 minutes. After the procedure, the skin should be cleaned with a dry cloth, do not OPOlAkiva.
Homemade remedies against fungi in the nail
The implementation of a drug from the list of songs from the alternative medicine may not be regarded as a method for the therapy of onychomycosis, but can also be carried out for the treatment at home. Home remedies can help reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms and to improve the well-being of the patient. Before you begin to use the methods of the treatment of joseph, you should consult with a dermatologist. To cancel the assignment of a physician for chemotherapy, where this is not possible.
Baking soda
This product is used as a base for pasta or a medical tray. Bicarbonate of soda, diluted with a little water and apply to the nail plate. After a few minutes on the surface, polished it with a slice of fresh lemon. With a mix of leave it for about 5 minutes, when a chemical reaction occurs between the sodium hydroxide and the acid is citric acid, which is a characteristic of the forest. To do this in the bath tub for baby, 1. h. l., to product mixing in 5 litres of warm water and bring it to the foot in only 15 minutes.
A product which is suitable for destruction of an infection of yeast. To combat onychomycosis, it is recommended that you use a dinner party, and the vinegar, and apple cider. It has very good antibacterial action, and is useful to relieve the itching. To do this, to make anklets and baths, thereby diluting the vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:10. All mix together 1 St. l. apple cider vinegar, and 3 drops of iodine. The liquid oxygen is moistened, elastic, and apply to the damaged nail. The minimum amount required to keep the gauze on for 3 hours, but for best effect, it is during the night.
Another recipe:
- 3, the protein of the egg of the hen;
- equal in volume to the amount of medical alcohol;
- equal in volume to the amount of the pots of vinegar.
Preparation and application:
- Protein mix it thoroughly with alcohol and then insert in the head.
- Dip a q-tip with cotton and gauze, resulting from the oxygen in the liquid.
- Attach to an infected finger nail, to fix with the patch.
- Roll up the film and put in the hot-half.
- Stay for the night.
This is a useful tool in the fight against onychomycosis. To eliminate all the infections to apply it is not a drink, and a piece of their own can you:
- A part of the total clean up of the film and grind in a blender mush. It is a tool to rub the skin in a particular area. The procedure up to 3 times a day.
- Make a compress on the damaged nail with a tea table total. On a roll-up-your-film-and put on the tights are opaque. To keep the tool in during the night.
The application of kombucha gradually leads to the OTSleiveniu of the damaged parts of the nail and to activate the growth of healthy tissue.
Garlic or onion
As a transport and anti-bacterial properties each and every one of these vegetables help to fight against ringworm. So explaining and talking points enough to grind up a bit of onion, or a train, and garlic in the porridge, in order to connect with the butter, and rub it in a striking place. To do this type of procedure, it should be in the evening. The pre-foot steam in the coolant dish.
The good result gives application of the baths with the juice of the garlic:
- 1 piece of the garlic juice;
- To 10 parts of water.
- 1 part of rubbing alcohol.
You will need to connect the components of the negllimpeza the pelvis, and bring the liquid oxygen to the foot. The procedure should be done three times a day, for about 5 minutes.
The color of the honey
As a transport, and the healing properties of this product of beekeeping is to allow you to get rid of a lot of diseases. To effectively apply a tincture of propolis, and can result in damage to one joseph of the capuchin. You can also take baths, adding in 1 litre of hot water, 1 St. l., alcohol -, or oil from the region. The procedure takes about 10 minutes. After that, she will need to get exfoliated areas of the skin or nails, make sure you clean your skin, and wear cotton socks.
It is also a popular folk remedy, it allows you to quickly get rid of fungal defeat of the nails. The juice of poison that destroys the cell structure of the joseph and suppresses the ability to replicate themselves. ChiStOTAl it can be used on its own or in combination with other medicinal herbs in the form of herbal pills, tincture, or oil.
The ingredients for branding:
- 100 grams of fresh juice of plants.
- The 100 grams of vodka.
Preparation and use:
- The pressed juice, add the vodka into a glass for storage.
- Support for 7 days, in a dark room.
- Apply the tool to a pre-steamed legs.
- You may repeat the procedure up to three times per day.
Extraction heStOTAle:
- 20 g of the dried herb;
- 1 litre of water.
Preparation and use:
- Components, to connect and to put it on a low heat.
- Wait for it to boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
- Give the broth to cool and pass through a cheesecloth.
- Dilute by half with water.
- Immerse yourself in a bath tub of the foot for about 30 minutes.
The essential oils of the plant
For the treatment of onychomycosis is recommended that you use the oil extract of the plant, and the design of the plant. Particularly effective for this purpose, tea tree oil, heStOTAle, lemon, cinnamon, pine, clove, oregano, lavender, thyme, rosemary. The essential oils in its pure form on the skin is not applied. Their need to blend in with the base oils: coconut, avocado, jojoba, or sunflower seeds. A mixture to deal exclusively with the damaged areas of the skin and nails. The healthy skin tool to apply, and it is not possible, as soon as you can get a strong itch and a burning sensation.